The PMSC Elite Program is designed for players who aspire to elevate their soccer skills and compete at a higher level. By accepting a spot on an Elite team, families commit to a full year of play (fall and spring seasons), as well as to the associated financial obligations. Players are expected to attend all practices, tournaments, games, and team training sessions provided within the program.
In alignment with our mission, we emphasize:
Skill Development: Helping players master both technical and tactical aspects of the game.
Self-Confidence: Encouraging athletes to believe in themselves while challenging their abilities.
Good Sportsmanship: Promoting respect for coaches, teammates, opponents, and officials.
Teamwork and Effort: Fostering a collaborative environment where each player gives 100% on and off the field.
Fun: Ensuring that while the commitment is significant, the overall experience remains enjoyable.
Annual Tryouts: Held in the spring for the following playing year (fall and spring seasons).
Fall Season: Typically consists of 8 games played on Saturdays and/or Sundays.
Spring Season: Typically consists of 7–8 games played on Saturdays and/or Sundays.
U13 and Above: Teams may choose not to play in a fall league if many players are involved with school teams. This decision is made after tryouts when rosters are finalized.
Leagues: Teams compete in EDP or CPYSL (Central Penn).
Winter Training/Season: All Elite teams participate in indoor training and/or a winter league to maintain fitness and skill development during the off-season.
U9 & U10: Approximately $650 plus uniform cost ($70–$90).
U11 & U12: Approximately $700 plus uniform cost ($70–$90).
U13 -U16: Approximately $750 plus uniform cost ($70–$90)
U17 & Older: Approximately $850 plus uniform cost ($70–$90).
Travel players commit to their teams for a full year financially and as a player. These fees cover both fall and spring league play, four tournaments, winter training/season, team equipment, club trainer sessions, and field maintenance (including paint and upkeep). Additional expenses, such as optional tournaments or other activities, may apply on a team-by-team basis.
U9–U12: Maximum of 14 players.
U13 & Older: Typically 16–18 players.
Board Approval: Final rosters for all age groups are reviewed and approved by the PMSC Board before acceptance offers are sent out.
Licensing: Head coaches must hold at least a USSF ‘E’ License or have completed the appropriate Grassroots courses for their age group.
Club-Sponsored: PMSC will cover the cost of licensing, provided the coach commits to at least one year of coaching.
Annual Selection: A head coach and assistant coach are chosen each year. Even returning coaches must be reaffirmed by the PMSC Board annually.
Schedule: Each age group will be assigned one-two tryout time slots. Attendance at both sessions is strongly recommended for a thorough evaluation.
Evaluation Process: Evaluators will organize drills, small-sided games, and other activities to assess players. Player develop and can be evaluated best by attending the evaluation at there age level. The Club does recognize there are players with exceptional talent and maturity that can be consider for the next age level. The decision of to have a player attend an evaluation at the next age group up will be at the clubs discretion.
Team Formation: Once tryouts are complete, rosters are approved by the PMSC Board.
Notification & Acceptance: The Club strives to send team placement emails within 7 days. Families have 48 hours to accept or decline their spot.
By trying out for the PMSC Elite Program, you and your family acknowledge the elevated commitment in terms of time, effort, and finances. We look forward to supporting our players’ growth, both on and off the field, in a fun, positive, and competitive environment. If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact us before tryouts to ensure the Elite Program is the right fit for you and your player.